What is anti-fatigue lenses?
There are various other names for anti-fatigue lenses on the market, such as digital lenses and relaxation lenses.
Anti-fatigue lenses are a type of eyeglass lens designed to reduce eye strain and fatigue caused by prolonged use of digital devices or other near-vision tasks. Some features commonly found in anti-fatigue lenses include:
1) Blue Light Protection: Anti-fatigue lenses may have a coating that reduces the amount of blue light emitted by digital screens. Blue light is known to disrupt sleep patterns and cause eye strain, especially when exposed for long periods.
2) Near Vision Optimization: These lenses are optimized for clear vision at close distances, assisting poor eye accommodation by constant refocusing when switching between near and far objects.
3) Lens Design: The design of anti-fatigue lenses often takes into account the natural reading posture and eye movement patterns, providing a wider field of view for near and intermediate distances.
Difference between anti-fatigue lens and single vision lens?

Single vision lenses: These lenses have a single zone of prescription power throughout the entire lens. Single vision lenses have the same power for distance vision, intermediate vision (computer task), and near vision (handphone/reading).
Anti-fatigue lens/Relax Lens/Digital lens: The lens usually has two zones in the same lens - the clear zone dedicated to far vision and the relax zone with a slightly lower power for near vision. This combination helps to reduce the stress on the eyes, visual fatigue from daily tasks such as reading and computer work.

How can we, however, tell when we need it?
Finding out if your eyes are fatigued is an easy way to start.
There are several factors, including your lifestyle, visual habits, and any discomfort you may be feeling when performing close-up work, that will determine whether or not you need anti-fatigue lenses. All of these factors, however, are connected to eye fatigue.
How to tell that we have eye fatigue?
You may have experiences of
Frequent Eye Strain: especially after prolonged periods of reading or using digital devices.
Headaches: regular headaches, particularly after activities that require intense visual focus.
Difficulty focusing: trouble focusing on close-up objects, difficulty in reading small size letters.

The best way to determine if you have eye fatigue or not is to schedule an eye examination with an optometrist or ophthalmologist.
Case History: The Eye Care Professional will ask about your general health, any medications you are taking, and your visual habits, including computer use and reading patterns. The will inquire about any symptoms such as eye strain, headaches, or difficulty focusing.
Refraction Test: This test determines your visual acuity (how well you see at difference distances) and an exact eyeglasses prescription.
Binocular Vision Assessment: This evaluates how well your eyes work together, the response of your pupil and eye movement. Problems with eye coordination can lead to eye strain and discomfort, especially during close-up tasks.
Near Vision Assessment: The Eye Care Professional will test your ability to focus on close-up objects, your eye accommodation (the ability of the eye to adjust its focus from distant objects to near objects, and vice versa). Eye accommodation is a natural and automatic response of the eye, allowing you to see objects clearly at different distances. This ability tends to decrease with age, leading to a condition called presbyopia, where it becomes completely difficult to focus on near objects.
Why do you need an anti-fatigue lenses?
You have experienced the symptoms of digital eye fatigue (frequent eye strain, difficult focusing, headaches); your daily activities are constantly involved with frequent shifts between near, intermediate, and distance vision, but you have a poor eye accommodation test.
If you are experiencing symptoms of visual fatigue, it is important to describe it in detail during eye exam. Based of the results, the Eye Care Professional can recommend appropriate solutions, which might include anti-fatigue lenses, proper light recommendations, or other vision correction options. Regular eye examinations are essential for maintaining good eye heath and ensuring clear, comfortable vision.